A car accident can happen to even the safest drivers, so always be prepared for the unfortunate possibility. Keep an ink pen and memo pad in the glove compartment of all your vehicles.
At the Accident Scene
When involved in a car wreck, stop immediately or as soon as safely possible without blocking traffic. Turn off the ignition to guard against fire.
Notify appropriate authorities, whether local police, county sheriff, or Alabama State Troopers. If someone is injured, request an ambulance or medical personnel be dispatched. If someone is seriously injured, do NOT move the injured person as it could result in additional harm or injuries.
Take necessary precautions to warn oncoming traffic of the accident. If you have them, use road flares or reflectors. A flashlight can also work to caution oncoming traffic.
Once the scene is secure and injured people attended, begin gathering information. Get the name, address, home and work phone numbers, tag numbers, and make and model of all cars involved in the accident. You should also get names, addresses, and phone numbers of all witnesses. Get statements from witnesses as to what happened. If the witness is willing, have them write down their statement and sign it while at the scene. Once an officer arrives, write down the officers name, badge number and law enforcement agency.
Exchange automobile insurance information with all parties, and write down their insurance company. All parties involved in the accident should produce their drivers license. Copy all information that appears on the drivers license of each person involved. Make a rough drawing of the scene and identify each vehicle involved.
After Leaving the Accident Scene
Immediately contact an Alabama car accident lawyer to discuss how to proceed. We offer a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION on all Alabama car wreck cases. You should know your rights prior to signing anything.
Notify your insurance company or insurance agent right away. Failure to make a prompt or correct report may affect your rights. Cooperate with your own insurance company. You are not obligated, however, to cooperate with insurance companies of other parties. Be cautious of anyone trying to hurry the case or offer a quick settlement.
Take pictures of your injuries and the injuries of anyone who was in your vehicle during the collision. If you have access to the automobile, take pictures of the damage.
Seek medical treatment if there is any chance you have been injured. A serious injury does not always cause immediate pain. Your adrenaline at the time of the accident may prevent you from noticing pain and discomfort.
Alabama Trucking Accidents
Even a minor accident involving a semi-truck or 18-wheeler can be devastating. Tractor-trailer trucks are large and typically are carrying an extremely heavy load. Therefore, many wrecks involving a big rig result in serious injury or loss of life.
At Harbison & Hoyt LLC, we know an 18-wheeler accident can be a stressful and traumatic event. Our attorneys are prepared to take as much of the burden as possible so you can focus on recovery. If you have been injured in a trucking accident, our Alabama attorneys will fight to ensure you are fully compensated for losses. We will go to trial or take on the trucking companies and their insurance companies, if necessary. Call 251-945-5300 for a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION.
There are many factors that can contribute to 18-wheeler accidents, such as:
Driver fatigue from driving for a long period of time
Overloading of the truck
Driver speeding or hurrying to reach deadlines
Failure to comply with required rest periods
Improper driver training
Failure to properly maintain the 18-wheeler